Sunday, April 13, 2008
Where Have I been?
Becoming honest with yourself is like shedding your clothing, piece by piece until you stand completely naked and raw in front of a mirror. You must do this if the effect you are seeking is to become complete. Otherwise, you remain trapped within a pit of hell that you use as a crutch and never move forward. How many people here know someone like that? I know plenty, but the judging isn't for me to do, that belongs to God.
Yes, sometimes pride gets in the way, and this hinders the process. We, more times than not, think we are much too OK, to even begin to look at ourselves. I mean what would people think, right? Let me assure you that before you come to terms about changing your lives, and becoming willing to do what is best for you, you must get to a place in your life, that you don't give one single iota what anyone thinks. As long as you are not harming them, then what they think should be cast aside, just as you'd throw toilet paper in the commode, because more times than not, they really are one and the same.
Does this mean letting every single aspect within your life go? No. What this means is you must become willing to step outside of that Pandora box and see people, places and things for what they really are. Some you will keep, some you will let go. This became an easy decision for me, this past year. I looked at who and what was most important to me. I looked at relationships and decided that if I was the one in the relationships who was always the one giving and giving and never receiving anything back in return, but hurt, then, they had to go. No one was exempt from this.
I, then set boundaries. Safe, sane boundaries. The sure one thing I didn't need in my life was drama filled, poor decision making, crying on the shoulder people, who never got past the same issues, before they created, yet another one. What I didn't need was back stabbing, behind my back laughing friends, who were not even visible to me and never would be. What I didn't need was someone who was less than a human being, the Devils Side Kick Show, continuing to steal my blessings, yet who I thought was actually trying to help me and be my confidants. Nope, it just wasn't happening.
So, I took claim to myself again. I let the reality of life fill me and what a growing process this has been. A mature growing process. I moved from the child like adult, to the full fledgling adult to claim what I needed in life. I say, Thank you God, and to continue to bless the people, places and things, I let go of.
This past year has been a busy year for me. I went back to school, finished that aspect of my life up, then enrolled in a college, where I take 5 courses a semester. I finish up this first semester at the end of May. My grade point average is 98. Yes, you read it correctly. I will return in August for another semester and go until December, where I will graduate with a Biblical Leadership Diploma. Also, I will receive a Certification of Leadership from a once a month weekend class I am taking, all from the same college.
This in return will be rolled over for yet two more full semesters, where next fall, I will receive my Associates of Arts degree in Biblical Leadership. I will then take this and council and teach others, as well as continue to go into another higher level of education with degrees. This past year, I have been blessed with my family, who has supported me 100% and who have become active within their own spiritual journey.
God is good.
Many blessing to all who visit here.
passion ~
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